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Ageas' Critical Illness Cover under LowStart and YourLife Plans

Ageas Protect has beefed up its Critical Illness cover to ensure more peace of mind for its clients. With Ageas Protect’s LowStart and YourLife plan offerings, you can choose the amount of coverage and premiums you want.

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Quick Facts on Ageas Critical Illness

Availability of Ageas Protect Critical Illness

  • Offered under YourLife Plan and LowStart
  • Limited critical illness provided for RealLife Cover
  • Both provides Critical Illness cover with term life insurance

Payment of critical illness benefit

LowStart and YourLife Plans will pay out the benefit amount upon:

  • Diagnosis of a critical illness for the person covered
  • Diagnosis of a children’s critical illness for the child of the person covered (payout will be a specified portion of the benefit amount)
  • The death of the person covered

The cover stops once the benefit amount or sum assured is paid out in full.

Additional optional cover

  • Total Disability
  • Total Permanent Disability
  • Waiver of Premium

Condition for payout

This product pays

  • the amount insured when a person insured is diagnosed with a covered critical illness or,
  • a percentage of the amount when the insured person’s child is diagnosed with a critical illness that falls under the list of children’s critical illnesses

Amount of cover

  • No minimum sum insured. This depends on the minimum premiums required.
  • No maximum sum insured, but additional information may be required for higher sum insured.
  • Depending on the client’s option, the amount of cover may remain level during the coverage period or may increase or decrease.

Age restrictions

  • Minimum and maximum ages when the cover starts: 17 to 59
  • Cover ends at a maximum age of 69


For Critical Illness through the YourLife Plan

  • Covers with level sum assureds have premiums that remain constant throughout the life of the policy
  • Yearly increases if you choose an increasing sum assured. Additional premiums will depend on your age at the time of the increase.

For Critical Illness through the LowStart Plan

  • Low premiums at the onset but with annual premium increases based on your age at the time of increase, your gender and the amount of coverage remaining at that time

Benefits automatically included

  • Children’s critical illness cover
  • Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast (Additional Partial Payment upon diagnosis)

Critical Illnesses Covered by Ageas

The Critical Illness benefit will pay the benefit amount (or a portion) for the following critical illnesses:

Critical Illness Covered

Type of Definition


Alzheimer’s Disease


Aorta Graft Surgery


  • Surgery for the removal or repair of the thoracic branches
  • Endovascular repair
  • Insertion of stents

Aplastic Anemia


  • Other types of aneamia

Bacterial meningitis


  • Viral meningitis
  • Other forms of meningitis aside from the one defined

Benign Brain Tumour


  • Tumours in the pituitary gland
  • Angiomas





  • Less advanced types of cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Cancer in situ
  • Cancer that is pre-malignant, non-malignant or has a low malignancy potential



  • Myocarditis
  • Heart enlargement
  • Other forms of heart disease.
  • Cardiomyopathy related to alcohol or drug abuse



  • Coma caused by drug abuse or alcohol

Coronary Artery Bypass


  • Atherectomy
  • Balloon angioplasty
  • Insertion of stents
  • Laser treatments
  • Rotablation

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease






Heart Attack


  • Other acute coronary syndromes
  • Angina

Heart Surgery


Heart valve replacement


HIV Infection


  • HIV contracted due to drug abuse, sexual activity or any other means not listed.
  • The benefit may also not be payable if the claimant is living in a country that is not as “eligible country” as defined by Ageas.

Kidney failure


Liver failure


  • Liver failure caused by drug or alcohol abuse

Loss of hand or foot


Loss of Independence


Loss of speech


Lung disease


Major Organ Transplant


Motor Neurone Disease


Multiple Sclerosis


Multiple system atrophy


Paralysis of limbs


Parkinson’s Disease


  • Parkinson’s Disease related to drug abuse

Pre-senile dementia


  • Other types of dementia

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension


  • Pulmonary hypertension where the cause is not primary
  • Other types of hypertension

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy


Pulmonary Artery Surgery




  • Transient ischaemic attack

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


  • Indications that the neurological deficit does not have persisting clinical symptoms and that the illness has responded to modifying drugs within 12 months

Terminal illness


Third Degree Burns


Traumatic Head Injury


The benefit will be paid if the covered individual survives for 10 days after the critical illness is diagnosed and if the diagnosis falls within the definition specified in the policy.

Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast.  This involves total mastectomy surgery where the insured person survives for at least 14 days from the day of the diagnosis. The coverage will pay the lower of £25,000 or 50% of the sum insured.  The cover does not include: Surgery, prophylactic mastectomy or other procedures done without historical evidence or cancer in situ, as well as lumpectomy, partial mastectomy and partial or total subcutaneous mastectomy.

If a claim for a covered critical illness is paid out, the coverage will stop and succeeding claims for carcinoma in situ will no longer be payable.

What Is the Critical Illness Cover of Ageas Protect?

The Critical Illness cover aims to protect the family against specific critical illness by paying the benefit upon diagnosis of a covered critical illness for the person insured or for his child.

Amount of Coverage

The amount of coverage (sum assured) may change throughout the life of the policy, depending on the plan you choose:

  1. YourLife Plan

    You can opt for a level sum assured, an increasing sum assured or a decreasing sum assured.

    • Level Sum Assured. The amount of cover remains the same throughout the duration of the policy.
    • Increasing Sum Assured. 5% increase in the sum assured every year. Payout will depend on the amount of the sum assured at the time of diagnosis/death.
    • Decreasing Sum Assured. Mainly designed for those who need to pay off a long term debt (i.e. mortgage), the amount of decrease may be designed to coincide with the amount of loan still outstanding. The payout (upon) will be based on the amount of sum assured at the time of death or diagnosis of covered critical illness.
  2. LowStart Plan

    The amount of sum assured may decrease over time if the client chooses not to increase premiums over the years.

What You Will Receive

The YourLife Plan and the LowStart Plan will payout the benefits based on the reason of the claim, as stated below.

  1. Death of the person/s covered

    The plan will pay the sum assured (at the time of the claim) minus any previous payments for diagnosis of ductal cancer in situ of the breast and for total disability (if this is added to the basic plan).

  2. Diagnosis of a Covered Critical Illness

    Once diagnosed with a critical illness and the diagnosis meets the prescribed definitions, the benefit amount will be paid out minus:

    • Benefit payments made for diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast
    • Benefit payments made for total disability
  3. Diagnosis of ductal cancer in situ of the breast

    The plan will pay £25,000 or 50% of the sum assured, whichever is smaller.

  4. Diagnosis of a children’s critical illness for the child of the person insured

    The payment will be £25,000 or 50% of the benefit amount, whichever is lower. The payment can be doubled if there is no treatment available in the country and a treatment that has been shown to be effective is available elsewhere.

Additional Optional Benefits

Depending on the Type of Plan taken out, there are additional benefits to be paid out. Check the Cover Summary of the Policy to see whether it includes the Additional Benefits mentioned here.

Waiver of Premium. Premiums are waived for the time that the person insured is incapacitated for a period of more than 26 weeks. Premium payments will resume when the person insured is no longer incapacitated or when the cover ends. For Joint Life policies, the Waiver of Premium benefit will apply to the person who has the cover.

Total Permanent Disability.  In the event that the Insured Person becomes permanently disabled but not critically ill, this cover will pay the benefit amount. The total and permanent disablement should meet the criteria set forth in the policy and the Person Insured should be incapacitated for at least 26 weeks before the benefit becomes payable. Once this is paid, the policy no longer becomes effective and no further payments on claims will be made.

Total Disability. In the event that the Insured Person becomes totally disabled based on the criteria set forth in the policy, this cover will pay a specified benefit. The Person Insured should be incapacitated for more than 26 weeks for the benefit to be payable.

What You Are NOT Covered For

The client will not receive any Critical Illness payouts for:

  • Illnesses that are not part of the list of covered critical illnesses
  • Critical illnesses that may be part of the list of covered critical illnesses but do not meet the company’s definition of that specific critical illness
  • Failure to provide medical or other related evidence required by the company when claiming for the benefits
  • Failure to provide full disclosure of one’s health condition and other relevant matters during the application, especially when such disclosure would have affected the acceptance or denial of the application or offering the cover with different conditions
  • Policies that have lapsed
  • The cause of the illness is excluded from the cover and fall under the exclusions specified in the policy

Payment may also be denied for the following instances:

  • Critical illness was caused by an illegal or criminal act or resulted by abuse of alcohol or drugs.
  • The insured failed to provide accurate information that could have caused the company to either deny the application or change the premium rates. (i.e. Misstatement of age)

Also, the Critical Illness cover will not pay benefits for children’s critical illness for:

  • Diagnosis of a children’s critical illness, where the child fails to survive 10 days after the diagnosis
  • Diagnosis of an illness which falls under the list of covered children’s critical illnesses but do not meet the company’s definition of that specific critical illness
  • Diagnosis of a covered critical illness after the maximum children’s critical illness benefits have already been received
  • Congenital conditions, where the child was born before the start of the coverage

Additional Benefits/Covers:

Depending on how your policy is structured, you also stand to get the following:

If you are covered for Total Permanent Disability or Total Disability, you will receive the benefit amount or a portion of it, if you meet the definition for Total Permanent Disability, even if your illness is not included in the list of covered critical illnesses or fails to meet its definitions. The disability will be considered permanent when you are incapacitated for at least 26 weeks.

If you are covered for the Waiver of Premium benefit, premiums are waived if you are rendered disabled and incapacitated for at least 26 weeks and will continue to be waived when the cover ends or when you are no longer incapacitated.

Making a Claim

Once diagnosed with a critical illness, you can file a claim with Ageas. You need to provide medical reports or any other evidence, which will shoulder all reasonable costs Ageas requires.

Please note: The diagnosis should be made by a consultant practicing in a country belonging to the list of eligible countries provided by Ageas.

This article is for informational pruposes only and should not be considered a financial advice. Contact Ageas directly for information about their products.

Last updated on: 25.07.2012

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